A great headshot makes a difference

We founded this company to help people unlock their full career potential. Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the way we work and we want to help you stay ahead of the curve. We believe that a great headshot is the first step to a successful career, but we also know that traditional headshots are expensive and time consuming. That’s why we created Headly.

Our mission

We want you to look your best and we want to make it easy for you to do so. We believe that looking professional makes all the difference when it comes to career opportunities. We challenge the status quo by making professional headshots accessible to everyone.

Surveys indicate that 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates. A professional headshot is the first step to getting noticed by a recruiter. What's more is that the first appearance of a candidate matters just as much as their qualifications.

A lot of our customers don't have the time to get professional headshots taken and miss out in key opportunities that could really change their career trajectory. It's our mission to make professional headshots accessible to everyone.

Headshots taken for our customers
20 thousand
Saved on average per customer
4 hours
Customers total

Our values

We are a small and lean team with a big vision. We believe AI will change everything, and we want to be at the forefront of this change.

Be world-class
Our team consists of world-class engineers and designers passionate about AI and the future of work.
Share everything you know
We believe in sharing everything we know with our customers. We want you to be successful and we'll do everything we can to help you.
Always learning
We are always learning and improving our product. We believe that the best way to learn is to listen to our customers and iterate quickly.
Be supportive
Supporting our customers is our number one priority. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Take responsibility
We acknowledge that AI is a powerful tool and we take responsibility for the impact it has on our customers. We are committed to building a product that is fair and inclusive.
Enjoy downtime
We believe that downtime is important for our team to recharge and come back stronger. We encourage our team to take time off and enjoy their hobbies.